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Alternatively ??

2022-12-25 10:12:20


Alternatively ??

We can have a party
alternatively just have a chat in a cafe. 这句好像没有交替地的意思
只有 OR 的意思?是的
你是对的。 alternative: 两者(或若干)中择一的; 非此即彼的 We therefore fear the error must have been due to a typing mistake. 这句好像很类聚 ..不要 due to 可以吗? 可以的。 We therefore fear it is a typing error. 因此,我们担心是打错字。We therefore fear the error is a typing mistake. 因此,我们担心的错误是打错字。We therefore fear the error is a typo. 因此,我们担心的错误是打错字。
alternately才是交替 (2)due to是由于
不可不要-error是因typing mistake才有
但typing mistake不是那个error.
We can have a party
alternatively just have a chat in a cafe. 这句好像没有交替地的意思
只有 OR 的意思 对,既然是or的意思,为何用一个咁长的字,而且文法亦不太对, 比较正统的写法: We can has a party
alternatively we can just have a chat in a cafe. 或用or We can have a party or just have a chat in a cafe. 当用or时,不要加个',' 你问交替的意思,是否你误会了alterate这个字。这个字才是替换的意思。 We therefore fear the error must have been due to a typing mistake. 这句好像很类聚 ..不要 due to 可以吗? 类紧->累赘 due to这句其中一个关键词。意思是「由于」 这句是查证出错的原因,所以指出「因由」是重点。 当然可以用另一个字取代due to,但不可以写成must have been a typing mistake.因为前面说的error并不是说typing mistake就是问题,而是由于打错字所以衍生出error来。例如打错10
000倍这种error. We therefore fear the error must have been caused by a typing mistake. 字数一样,但会清楚指出你要表达的是发现「引致」出错的原因。
We can have a party
alternatively just have a chat in a cafe. 这句好像没有交替地的意思
只有 OR 的意思= YES
YOUR ARE RIGHT. It is simple and straight-forward to say: We can have a party or have a chat in a cafe instead. We therefore fear the error must have been due to a typing mistake. 这句好像很类聚 ..不要 due to 可以吗? YES
IT IS CLUMSY. WE CAN REWIRTE IT AS :- We are afraid that the error must be a typing mistake. We are afraid that it must be a typing error. fear is not as good as "are afraid " in these sentences.
1) We can have a party instead of just having a chat in a cafe. 2) We therefore feared that the mistake might be due to a typing error.

本文标题:Alternatively ?? - 明星