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english dictionary

2022-12-17 11:12:46


english dictionary

i would remend longman dictionaries. a dictionary for advanced learner is definitely suitable for a form 3 student like you. take it easy
it's not as difficult as you imagine. addition suggestion and opinion: i've started to use longman dictionaries for advanced learner since i was form 1.trust me
it's not difficult at all. besides such dictionary
i would highly remend you to buy a theasaurus....cos you would need to have a great deal of vocabularies when you're in form 4.
参考: my own experience
only send this directly to a responsible buyer's"
对Oral 都好有用 : .f1.page.auctions.yahooauction/1112670692
参考: from Yahoo
longman is better. It is English from the u.k. Collins is AMerican English.
我觉得你应该买"牛津高阶英汉双解词典",即封面红色有个好大A字个本。呢本词典既解释同example都好同仔细。虽然系advance,但系唔洗怕深的,因为佢简单既字都有得查,即使好深的字都唔怕,既然系一本词典,几深的字都可以解到比你听同教你点用。仲有呢本野你读完大学都可以继续啱用。 同埋,我建议你系书展买(好似7月18日开始),一本字典唔平,书展会有折。
我依家升中四 我做字典都喜欢用 longman 的 因为 longman 有分到d音
如doc.tor 同埋佢d例子都唔错

我喜欢 中三唔洗买咁深

太深你都做唔到的 只是浪费金钱和查字共时间

本文标题:english dictionary - 明星